
Information gemäß § 5 Abs. 1 ECG und
Offenlegung gemäß § 25 MG

Ulrich Drechsler (Einzelunternehmen)
Mollardgasse 34/1/29l
1060 Wien, Austria

Spezielle Aufsichtsbehörde: keine
Zweck der Website: Information über das Schaffen und Wirken von Ulrich Drechsler
Inhaltliche Verantwortung: Ulrich Drechsler

Konzept, Design:
seite zwei – branding & design

Web Development:
Oliver Spies

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Mar 20, 2024

CHROME ReImagined /// Vinyl Album Release Concert

We're proud to celebrate the release concert of the lmitited vinyl edition of "CHROME REIMAGINED" again in this very unique format.


Ulrich's AZURE | trio with himself (SAXOPHONE / PERCUSSION), OLIVER STEGER (BASS) AND RAPHAEL KEUSCHNIGG (DRUMS) will present parts of the album together with VNK from vienna based producer duo "CLUB APOLLO" in an electro-acoustic way. The second set will see Ulrich playing an interactive set with the two sound designers SHRIMPNAIL and Art Vara.


Feb 17, 2024

Imagine Dignity

Let's be honest! NEVER before has the entire arts sector had to economise to such an extent in order to still have a right to exist. Art is no longer allowed to be "different" or tread unexplored paths. And if it does, it has to fit in with the cheery marketing schemes straight away. I know it may sound harsh, but this is exactly the situation in which large parts of art increasingly find themselves.

It's high time for a few changes. It's high time to restore dignity to the arts, even if it's going to be an uncomfortable journey.

For several years now, I have been working on ideas for the realisation of future-oriented, flexible, cross-genre and cross-style concert formats that can create a new infrastructure for music. I am in dialogue with like-minded people from the arts, economy, science, advertising, tourism and politics. Together we work on new solutions that create added value for everyone.

With the idea of "Imagine Dignity" I want to go now even one step further.

For me, music has always been perhaps the most subtle form of communication with people - always at eye level - always with the same mutual appreciation. It's all about dignity.

And it is precisely this quality that is increasingly being lost in an era of rampant digitalisation and mass marketing of music. It remains to be seen what impact this will ultimately have on our society.

With "Imagine Dignity" as the basic idea, over the coming years I want to bring to life together with my teams and musical colleagues partly new, partly old and forgotten, partly unconventional music formats that function exclusively and only in direct, shared communication with the audience. Everything will be based on interaction: deep listening situations, individual face-to-face concert situations, interactive genre-crossing multi-media dialogues etc. etc.

Let us treat ourselves, each other and art with dignity.

Feb 17, 2024

CHROME ReImagined /// upcoming remix album

With CHROME ReImagined Ulrich releases the "missing" remix sibling to CHROME, his electro-acoustic neo-classical chamber jazz ensemble.

Each of the 13 parts of the original album receives its own remix version. CHROME ReImagines displays an atmospheric journey through trip hop, deep house, minimal and techno styles. Feat. works arranged by some of the most talented producers from Vienna, Berlin, Belgrad and Hamburg.

The remix edition will be available in digital formats and a strictly limited high end vinyl edition which will only be available in the Liminal Zone Shop and directly at the concerts.

Oct 31, 2023

Liminal Zone posters

The Din A1 high quality paper posters (59,5 x 84,1 cm) are now available in two options: caramel and chrome coloured.

Due to the high shipping & packaging costs we don't offer them officially in the online shop. In case of interest please be so kind to write directly to .

Oct 18, 2023

Ulrich collaborates with viennese hotel "Jaz In The City"

From October 2023, Ulrich Drechsler and Karin Finner will curate a total of five new event series at Vienna's Jaz In The City hotel.

The common goal is to establish a new place for music, a place for encounters, a place for genre- and generation-spanning art formats.

This will include weekly concerts with young Viennese artists and bands, DJ/musician sessions, interactive deep listening vinyl sessions and a monthly club format.

All this will be accompanied and staged by young photographers, filmmakers, visual artists, etc.
All info on Rhythms Vienna

Sep 20, 2023

AZURE ReImagined /// Vinyl Album Release concert

In June we released the digital "AZURE ReImagined". Now comes the limited vinyl edition. And we celebrate it with a really unique concert format!!!

The Haus des Meeres is the only zoo in the world to be housed in a high-rise building, or rather in an old flak tower from the Second World War. In the concert hall, with a view over the whole city centre, we celebrate the presentation of the limited vinyl edition with you.

The trio of AZURE with Ulrich drechsler (saxophone / percussion), Oliver Steger (bass) and Raphael Keuschnigg (drums). The producer duo "Club apollo" will play an interactive set and the DJ Shrimpnail will present the album together with the trio in an electro-acoustic way. Welcome to the most unique club in town. Come and dance with us. Tickets are available / HERE /

May 24, 2023

AZURE ReImagined /// the remix album

10 electronic reworks by Berlin based Ingo Rieber and Techno queen Diana May, by Vienna based Shrimpnail, Club Apollo, Punct WakeUpJade and by Peter Zirbs.

The remixes on AZURE ReImagined will feature musical genres like Electronica, Deep House, Jungle/Drum'n'Bass, Leftfield & Acid House up to Peak Techno. A real dance floor album.

The album is the follower of the Ulrich's first remix cooperation CARAMEL ReImagined (2020). Also a small, exclusive vinyl edition is already in progress (release in early October).

As an appetizer the album's first single is already available. "Naked Singularity (Club Apollo Remix)"

AZURE ReImagined is part of Ulrich's new producers network LIMINAL ZONE SOUNDS that features his cooperation with a growing number of highly talented younger electronic artists from several cities and countries.

Mar 24, 2023

AZURE /// The Album

31st of march marks the release of Ulrich's new club music album AZURE . like a force of nature, AZURE combines a symphonic basic concept with influences from trip hop, techno, ambience and drum'n'bass to create a very personal club sound. You will discover endless things, you will sink into the music and you will dance. You will enjoy it.

Mar 6, 2023

AZURE /// new video

Enjoy AZURE's new video featuring the band's second single "Angular Momentum". Filmed by Severin Koller, produced by Unisono. This video is the ultimate harbinger for the album "Azure" which will released digitally on 17th of march and physically as CD/Vinyl on 31st of march. Enjoy.

Feb 8, 2023

AZURE /// New Single out on 17th of february

On 17th of february the first appetizer "The Overview Effect" for the upcoming new AZURE album will be released on all platforms. It'll followed by a second single, official video release before the digital album will shine up exactly one month later on the 17th of march and the physical 180g vinyl and cd on 31st of march.

Oct 3, 2022

CHROME /// NEW VIDEO "Silence Is My Canvas No. 1"




Aug 30, 2022

AZURE was in the studio

End of June, AZURE spent three days in the studio to record the upcoming debut album of the same name.

With the new lineup feat. Oliver Steger on the electric bass guitar, drummer & percussionist Raphael Keuschnigg and the two keyboard & synthesiser wizards Lukas Leitner and Bernhard Hoechtel, Ulrich produced an electro-acoustic force of nature, somewhere between Trip Hop, Ambiente, Drum'n'Bass, Neo-Classicism and imaginary film music.

Meanwhile the production is mixed, mastered and already on its way into the pressing plant.

AZURE will be released as CD, 180g Vinyl & Digital end of march 2023 throughout Europe.

Mar 3, 2022

LIMINAL ZONE Shirts & Bags

Seite Zwei, our wonderful branding & design partner agency has designed beautiful Liminal Zone shirts and bags, all in sustainable quality. Now available in the shop .

Nov 19, 2021

CHROME /// New Video

Watch out!

"Silence is my canvas no. 2" moves simultaneously on two different levels. On the one hand, the moving images and the music in the inner hexagon.

At the same time, the visual representation of the music in the outer area in the form of our "lava lamp", an interface that interacts with music in real time. On the left you can see the bass, on the right the treble.

Video produced by Severin Koller • Visuals produced by Ulrich Aschenbrenner.

Sep 3, 2021

CHROME /// new album

Ulrich's new album CHROME will be out on the 24th of september.

A fascinating journey between new-classical music, ambient and film music similar sounds. The CHROME ENSEMBLE features with Ida Leidl (cello), Simon Schellnegger (viola) and Efe Turumtay (violin) a stunning string trio. This is supplemented by Peter Zirbs, one of the icons of the electronic music scene who creates all-pervading electronic clouds of mist. On top Ulrich's bass clarinet, basset horn and clarinet.

The album will be available as CD, 180g Double Vinyl, exclusive test pressing copy 180g Double Vinyl and of course download and STREAMING on all platforms.

Pre-sale already has begun in our own SHOP . Check it out!!

Jun 9, 2021

New curated concert series "The Shape Of Elements"

What is the world? What is man?

The Greek philosophers already attempted to answer this question by explaining the world in terms of four components: Water, earth, fire and air make us aware of the beauty of nature and our world, but also of its dangers.

For "The Shape of Elements", Ulrich Drechsler, a multi-stylist between jazz, neo-classicism and club music, has invited "classical" chamber music experts - Koehne Quartet, Eggner Trio, Plattform K & K, Eloïse Bella Kohn - meet four greats of electronics - Patrick Pulsinger, Christian Fennesz, Peter Zirbs, Dorian Concept.

In large audio-visual suites, in visual worlds generated by Ulrich Aschenbrenner, they will make water, earth, fire and air resound musically.

Tickets are already available HERE.

Mar 31, 2021

CHROME / dress rehearsal with live stream

Before Ulrich's CHROME goes into the studio at the end of May to record the album of the same name, which will be released in autumn, the band entered the stage of the MuTh, one of Vienna's most beautiful concert halls, for an early dress rehearsal lasting several days.

You can still watch here the complete streams from the rehearsals.

Mar 10, 2021

The "The Book Of Sounds"

For the new concert series in collaboration with the MuTh concert hall in Vienna, "The Book of Sounds", Ulrich Drechsler invites illustrious guests from the indie, pop and electronic fields to create imaginary soundtracks to individual sounds in spontaneous concerts. Small, intimate adventure journeys into the heart of music.

Because one thing is clear! Without the "material" sound, there would be no music at all - no matter whether classical, pop, rock, electronic, jazz, soul, pop, world etc.. Everything is sound. This basic, smallest building block is the key to why music touches us so emotionally, why we go to concerts, why music accompanies us throughout our lives and simply belongs to being human.

But what exactly is sound? Let's find out together.

Welcome to the book of sounds

Oct 7, 2020

AZURE "Prologue"

THE NEW AZURE EP "Prologue" will be released on 09/10/20 on all platforms worldwide. With AZURE Ulrich defines his vision of club music, inspired by trip hop and ambient music. With "Prologue" launches a series of new releases. The AZURE album is planned for end of February 2021, accompanied by a remix album and several planned video productions. Winter & spring are therefore azure colored.

Aug 3, 2020


In cooperation with the Viennese analogue temple "The Supersense", Ulrich invites gifted artists from the Viennese pop, electronic, soul, jazz and neoclassical scene every two weeks from autumn 2020 onwards to present them in a very special setting as part of his new concert series "LIMINAL ZONE analogue". Stay tuned on the own Instagram account.

Jun 30, 2020


Ulrich Drechsler's LIMINAL ZONE is growing and growing. Over the past years, three unique musical individual projects, the so-called Scopes, have been created in this unique world of sound: CARAMEL, AZURE & CHROME.

Starting with the remix album CARAMEL REIMAGINED, at least six larger and smaller releases are planned for the next two years. So nothing was more obvious than to found an own label for this - LIMINAL ZONE RECORDS. Ulrich continues his efforts to create a large network and creative infrastructure out of LIMINAL ZONE. May the exercise succeed.

Jun 25, 2020


The LIMINAL ZONE WEBSHOP is now open. All of Ulrich's releases are available there: CDs, vinyls, downloads and some real specials. Have fun browsing and discovering.

Jun 22, 2020

CARAMEL REIMAGINED comes on 03/07/2020

The new remix album CARAMEL REIMAGINED will be released on the 03/07/2020. It'll feature Techno, Deep House and Dub arrangements of Ulrich's celebrated album CARAMEL by Berlin and Vienna based producers like Peter Zirbs, Drahthaus, Ingo Rieber and more. It is also the first release of the project's own label LIMINAL ZONE RECORDS.

Jun 5, 2020

Documentary about LIMINAL ZONE on Austrian television

In the tv programme "Kulturmontag" on austrian ORF" LIMINAL ZONE was provided with a documentary worth seeing. (In German only). Find here the link

Jun 5, 2020

OUT NOW! Ulrich Drechsler’s new album CARAMEL

Dear all,

The world seems to be turning in a different direction than we are used to.
I am all the more proud to be able to bring a little more beauty into the world with my profession, especially in these times.
The physical release will be postponed to a later date. But of course you can find CARAMEL on all streaming & download platforms. Here's the link.

I wish you lots of listening pleasure, stay healthy and hopefully see you at the next concert somewhere in our beautiful world.

Jun 5, 2020


The preparation took four years. Now it's finally here. LIMINAL ZONE sees the light of day. And so THE DAYS OF LIMINAL ZONE took place from 9 to 11 January 2020 at the Porgy & Bess in Vienna. Here is a small video playlist of the concerts.

Jun 5, 2020

The MAKING OF CARAMEL video is here & Ulrich photographed by Daniel Shaked

During the recordings for CARAMEL this beautiful Making Of video was shot. Have fun watching it.

And Vienna based photographer Daniel Shaked has made beautiful black and white pictures scattered all over the website.

Mar 20, 2024

CHROME ReImagined /// Vinyl Album Release Concert

Feb 17, 2024

Imagine Dignity

Ulrich announces his new, radical live concept!
Feb 17, 2024

CHROME ReImagined /// upcoming remix album

The accompanying 13-part remix edition to CHROME!!!
Oct 31, 2023

Liminal Zone posters

The posters are now available....
Oct 18, 2023

Ulrich collaborates with viennese hotel "Jaz In The City"

A new place for music in Vienna...
Sep 20, 2023

AZURE ReImagined /// Vinyl Album Release concert

The album presentation on 9th of October at the world's only zoo housed in a skyscraper....
May 24, 2023

AZURE ReImagined /// the remix album

On 09th of June, the remix edition of the current electro-acoustic club album AZURE will see the light of day.
Mar 24, 2023

AZURE /// The Album

Ulrich's bombastic electro-acoustic voyage of discovery into Club Music...
Mar 6, 2023

AZURE /// new video

AZURE releases the 2nd single together with the related video.
Feb 8, 2023

AZURE /// New Single out on 17th of february

On 17th of february the first appetizer "The Overview Effect"...
Oct 3, 2022

CHROME /// NEW VIDEO "Silence Is My Canvas No. 1"

CHROME's second official video is out now!
Aug 30, 2022

AZURE was in the studio

End of June, AZURE spent three days in the studio...
Mar 3, 2022

LIMINAL ZONE Shirts & Bags

The new merch collection is available...
Nov 19, 2021

CHROME /// New Video

Enjoy the phenomenal video "Silence Is My Canvas No. 2"...
Sep 3, 2021

CHROME /// new album

CHROME comes on 24th of september, first singles are already out.
Jun 9, 2021

New curated concert series "The Shape Of Elements"

in the 21/22 season Ulrich curates a genre-crossing audio-visual cycle at Vienna's MuTh featuring some of the most important Austrian representatives of classical and electronic music.
Mar 31, 2021

CHROME / dress rehearsal with live stream

accompanies Chrome in the preparations for the next album production
Mar 10, 2021

The "The Book Of Sounds"

Oct 7, 2020

AZURE "Prologue"

Aug 3, 2020


LIMINAL ZONE analogue! The new concert series.
Jun 30, 2020


LIMINAL ZONE starts own record label...
Jun 25, 2020


The LIMINAL ZONE WEBSHOP is now open. All of Ulrich's releases are available there: CDs, vinyls, downloads and some real specials. Have fun browsing and discovering.

Jun 22, 2020

CARAMEL REIMAGINED comes on 03/07/2020

The new remix album CARAMEL REIMAGINED will be released on the 03/07/2020.
Jun 5, 2020

Documentary about LIMINAL ZONE on Austrian television

In the tv programme "Kulturmontag" on austrian ORF" LIMINAL ZONE was provided with a documentary worth seeing. (In German only). Find here the link
Jun 5, 2020

OUT NOW! Ulrich Drechsler’s new album CARAMEL

Dear all,...
Jun 5, 2020


The preparation took four years. Now it's finally here. LIMINAL ZONE sees the light of day. And so THE DAYS OF LIMINAL ZONE took place from 9 to 11 January 2020 at the Porgy & Bess in Vienna. Here is a small video playlist of the concerts.

Jun 5, 2020

The MAKING OF CARAMEL video is here & Ulrich photographed by Daniel Shaked

During the recordings for CARAMEL this beautiful Making Of video was shot. Have fun watching it.

And Vienna based photographer Daniel Shaked has made beautiful black and white pictures scattered all over the website.